Message from the President
- Management Information
- Message from the President

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all our stakeholders for your continuous support.
Our group has been developing our own diversified business with different business domains. The core business is the scaffolding manufacture, sales, and rental, and we have added the home equipment-related business, which is the manufacture and sales of ladders, stepladders, and fitness equipment, and the electronic equipment-related business, which is the manufacture and sales of wireless communication devices.
Diversified business is one of our ways to benefit people more greatly and to be a company that is more resilient to changes in the environment. Our management policy, "To be the Leading Company in Niche Markets", expresses our aspiration to pursue the corporate identity that is demanded in each era and to create a company with strong resilience that is not affected by external environmental factors such as seasonal and economic fluctuations.
We have always been, and will continue to be, united as a group in our efforts to achieve sustainable growth at all costs in order to live up to the trust and expectations of all our stakeholders.
Management Vision
We have formulated a management vision for the next stage of our business development, and the entire company is working together to promote business activities to achieve this vision.
- 1 Realization of the management policy
- We will pursue the deep cultivation of existing markets and take on the challenge of creating numerous niches.
- 2 Evolution of the business portfolio
- Each business unit will become independent as a "pillar of business" by strengthening its earnings foundation, while nurturing new "seeds of business" rooted in that foundation.
- 3 Enhancement of overseas market development
- We will build a full-fledged business foundation in overseas markets, including China and Southeast Asia, where further growth is expected, and increase the ratio of overseas sales.
- 4 Establishment of the Alinco brand
- We will embody the concept that we have to earn "trust" by providing "safety" and "security" in manufacturing and service fields.