Segment Information

Net sales by segment (Millions of yen)

This figure shows a bar graph of sales by segment from FY 2019 through FY 2023. It shows numbers from 0 to 80000 on the vertical axis and fiscal years from FY2019 to FY2023 on the horizontal axis. The contents are 20,050 million yen for the construction equipment-related business, 17,192 million yen for the rental-related business, 14,910 million yen for the housing equipment-related business, and 3,458 million yen for the electronic equipment-related business in FY2019. In FY2020, the construction equipment-related business will be 17,400 million yen, the rental-related business 15,265 million yen, the housing equipment-related business 16,925 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business 3,755 million yen. In FY2021, the construction equipment-related business will be 19,880 million yen, the rental equipment-related business will be 15,948 million yen, the housing equipment-related business will be 15,070 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business will be 4,355 million yen. In FY2022, the construction equipment-related business will be 24,472 million yen, the rental-related business 16,973 million yen, the housing equipment-related business 13,780 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business 5,490 million yen. In FY2023, the construction equipment-related business is 21,829 million yen, the rental-related business is 17,607 million yen, the housing equipment-related business is 13,274 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business is 5,164 million yen.

Net ordinary profit by segment (Millions of yen)

This chart shows ordinary income by segment in a bar chart from FY 2019 through FY 2023. The vertical axis shows numbers from -1000 to 3500, and the horizontal axis shows fiscal years from FY2019 to FY2023. The contents are as follows: in FY2019, the construction equipment-related business is 2,463 million yen, the rental-related business is 555 million yen, and the housing equipment-related business is 354 million yen. In FY2020, the construction equipment-related business will be 1,410 million yen, rental-related business will be 56 million yen, housing equipment-related business will be 1,029 million yen, and electronic equipment-related business will be 53 million yen. In FY2021, the construction equipment-related business will be 1,349 million yen, the rental-related business will be 86 million yen, the housing equipment-related business will be -200 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business will be 153 million yen. In FY2022, the construction equipment-related business will be 2,767 million yen, the rental-related business 437 million yen, the housing equipment-related business -124 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business 225 million yen. For FY2023, the construction equipment-related business is 2,514 million yen, the rental-related business is 383 million yen, the housing equipment-related business is -462 million yen, and the electronic equipment-related business is -65 million yen.

Net sales composition by segment

This chart shows the composition of net sales by segment as of March 31, 2024, in a pie chart. It includes 37.7% in the construction equipment-related business, 30.4% in the rental-related business, 23.0% in the housing equipment-related business, and 8.9% in the electronic equipment-related business.