Basic Stock Information

Basic Stock Information

Basic Information

Date of establishmentJuly 4, 1970
Stock code5933
Number of shares per unit100 shares
Stock exchange listingTokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Listing dateDecember 1, 2014
Fiscal yearMarch 21 to March 20 of the next year
Ordinary general meeting of shareholdersJune
Record dateOrdinary general meeting of shareholders: March 20
Year-end dividend: March 20
Interim dividend: September 20
Number of shareholders10,154 (as of March 20, 2024)

Share Distribution

This figure shows the distribution of shares: 53.54% for Individuals and Others, 11.72% for Financial Institutions, 24.98% for Others Domestic Corporations, Foreign Individuals / Corporations is 3.02%, Securities Company is 1.31%, and Treasury Shares is 5.39%.